Balcony View:
This one didn't look too bad. I was lucky that lighting conditions didn't change too much as I took all the photos.

Night Panorama:
I was rushed. As a result I didn't get enough pictures to get good perspective. Also, you can see the lighting conditions changed drastically as I took the pictures.

Dawn Panorama:
That's not change, that's more of the same! I took these pictures fast enough to have some resemblance to homogeneous lighting, even though it's homogeneously dark.

Toronto Through a fishbowl:
This one turned out great! I took more than enough pictures and did it quickly. You can see a few artifacts from mending (check the train tracks), but all in all it turned out great. In fact, there are parts of the image that were cut out of all the photos that I had to reconstruct completely using photoshop (special prize to whoever can guess where). If you want to see a full resolution (17mb, 5989x4058) version, go here.

So, I was doing work and I look out the window and I see a rainbow AND the moon. So, I quickly try to get as many pictures as I can for a panorama. Didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, but it is still quite cool!

For all these images, I loaded them into photoshop and used the automated function "photomerge". Once the images were merged I blended the edges and applied any sort of photoshop magic I could to make the image seem smooth. This was hard in some cases (ie: in the last image, sunrise, you can see a drastic color change in the sky).
These skills are actually quite useful for many things, especially the telescope camera. I used basically the same technique to make the moon picture from the telescope camera (although I probably should have used a more stack oriented program... that's what the future is for!).
So, feel free to download all these images, just remember they are all licenced under the Creative Commons (Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada).