
Basic Usage

Let’s say we have the following data source:

import random
import string

def generate_data(N=5):
    while True:
        yield "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, N))

and we would like to know, “Have we seen this piece of data in the last 10 seconds?” we could do the following:

from fuggetaboutit import ScalingTimingBloomFilter
import time

decay_time = 10
cache = ScalingTimingBloomFilter(20000, decay_time=decay_time)
for data in generate_data():
    if data in cache:
        print "I have seen this before: ", data

We picked 20000 as an initial guess for how many unique items would be stored in the bloom at any given time. Since this bloom filter scales, this initial guess can be wrong and the bloom will scale as necissary (at a performance penalty!).


Decaying is not necissary if the capacity is very close to the number of unique elements in the set in one decay_time. This is because new inserts will overwite old data with new timestamps and the old data will simply fade away. However, it is always best practive to do an explicit decay to make sure we satisfy the guarentee of decaying data and the given erro rate even in the face of edge cases.

One problem with this code is that we are decaying the entire bloom for every input we get. This is a waste of computation since decaying is only necissary at every half decay time. In order to deal with this, we can keep a timer and only decay when necissary:

from fuggetaboutit import ScalingTimingBloomFilter
import time

decay_time = 10
cache = ScalingTimingBloomFilter(20000, decay_time=decay_time)
last_decay = time.time()
for data in generate_data():
    if data in cache:
        print "I have seen this before: ", data
    if time.time() - last_decay >= decay_time:
        last_decay = time.time()

Unfortunaly, there is quite a lot of code dealing with when to run a decay. For this reason, the ScalingTimingBloomFilter supports tornado’s IOLoop.

Using the IOLoop

In order to use the IOLoop, we must re-make the code to be event based:

import tornado.ioloop
from fuggetaboutit import ScalingTimingBloomFilter

data = generate_data()
cache = ScalingTimingBloomFilter(20000, decay_time=decay_time)

def handle_data(d):
    if d in cache:
        print "I have seen this before: ", d

def generate_event():
    for i in xrange(500):

tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(generate_event, 500).start()

This will generate 500 data event every 0.5 seconds. Similarly, the .start() call on the ScalingTimingBloomFilter registers decay events with the IOLoop. This produces the final code:

from fuggetaboutit import ScalingTimingBloomFilter
import tornado.ioloop
import random
import string

def generate_data(N=5):
    while True:
        yield "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, N))

data = generate_data()
cache = ScalingTimingBloomFilter(20000, decay_time=10)

def handle_data(d):
    if d in cache:
        print "I have seen this before: ", d

def generate_event():
    for i in xrange(500):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(generate_event, 100).start()
    print "Starting"

With this type of setup, we can asynchronously add data and decay old events.

Scaling Bloom Size Convergence

Scaling blooms offer the ability to grow when more capacity is necissary. Since timing blooms also decay out data, we should be able to also reduce the size of the blooms that are in use and hopefully stabalize to a desireable size.

The min_fill_factor and max_fill_factor do exactly that. By using an estimate for the number of elements current in a bloom, we find the fill ratio (estimated number of items / capacity of the bloom) and scale up or down depending on whether we are above/below the max or min fill ratios.

For example, let’s say we initialize a bloom with a capacity for 30 items and a decay time of 60 seconds. If we started inserting 45 items per second, we should hope the timing bloom would settle with a single bloom with a capacity for 60 items instead of maintaining multiple blooms that could potentially hinder performance:

import time

cache = ScalingTimingBloomFilter(
for item in generate_data(N=10):
    # insert at 1 item per 1.2second for 50 items per minute

After about 27 seconds, we have inserted 90% of the capacity into the bloom and it gets scaled up. By default, the next bloom filter will have 2 * sqrt(2) the capacity (this value is controlled by growth_factor). This new bloom then becomes the preferential bloom for inserts. After 60 seconds from this point, all the data in the original bloom will have been decayed out and that bloom will be deleted. This leave the ScalingTimingBloomFilter with only one operational bloom with a larger capacity.

If the rate of inserts starts decreasing, then we now have a larger bloom filter than is necissary for the problem. If the rate decreases down such that there are only 12 items in the new bloom of capacity 62, then we will scale it down. We do this by creating a new bloom with half the capacity and keeping it as the preferential bloom for insertions. After some time, the old bloom will decay and get deleted.

Thus, by tuning the parameters for min_fill_factor, max_fill_factor and growth_factor (keeping in mind the desired decay_time and the rate of insertion of data), we can have the bloom converge on the proper capacity and operate using one underlying bloom filter.

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